Environmental Policy Analysis & Development
Services Include:
Assessment of the policy, economic, market, social, and practical aspects that result in complex environmental problems, and finding the most strategic means to unlock those.
Land use sector policy reviews, particularly in forestry and agriculture
Analysis of institutional (primarily government) constraints on policy adoption
Development of policy approaches for mitigating and adapting to climate change impacts
Moving from concept to implementation - defining innovative solutions and then following that through to concrete steps that can be pursued to implement them
Bringing technical or scientific information to a policymaker audience
Drafting expert witness testimony
Applying policy research and analysis as a means to close the gap between public interest and legislation
Representative Work:
Senior Policy and Investment Expert with the UN-REDD Programme, working with member governments on formation of REDD+ policies and measures to affect driver pressure on forests, as well as methods to cultivate private sector support for PAMs and investment in REDD+ compatible activities. Priority countries: Indonesia, Myanmar and Zambia.
- Project and policy lead on an assessment of the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Bhutan, on behalf of the Watershed Management Division, Department of Forests and Parks Services. This report provides a key basis for Bhutan’s REDD+ National Strategy, but also informs broader natural resources management and sustainable development planning in Bhutan.
- Assessment of progress in National Adaptation Planning and adequate inclusion of policies, measures and finance to address risks in agricultural production. Geographic focus was in West and East Africa and South Asia. The assessment was produced on behalf of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, followed by a workshop with ministry representatives from key countries in all regions.
- Worked to legislate protection of 3.1 million hectares of British Columbia coastal temperate rainforest, and legal codes to implement ecosystem-based management to change logging practices in areas remaining in production in the 8.5 million hectare region.
- Developed, implemented and directed land, water, and air legislative initiatives and state and federal budget appropriations requests in Maine and Washington DC, applying advocacy, research and analysis.
Government relations and advancement of cause
Services include:
Assessing the political economy around an issue, then devising strategies for advancement of cause that is attuned accordingly
Building coalitions around an issue, and bringing that alignment to government decision-makers
Growing the prominence of an issue within a political priority for government
Identifying obstacles to government action and articulating pathways forward
Behind-the-scenes advocacy and coalition-building
Lobbying and testifying before legislative committees
Relationship building and cultivating champions for the cause within government ministries
Political strategy of how to influence member votes on key legislative issues
Assessing strategic options for donors, assessing where investments can have highest impact
Defining tangible steps for natural resource governance to have effect at international, national and local levels
Representative Work:
Framed the need for national governments and REDD+ processes to address the drivers of deforestation and degradation, through published papers, partnerships and strategic advisories. Efforts helped leverage a decision by Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, adopted at COP 19 in Warsaw, Poland.
An assessment to identify possible interventions for the international community to support Myanmar’s forest and land use governance, over the medium- to long-term, based on focused new investments or through better coordination among international donors. The risks and opportunities, and benefits and challenges of various intervention opportunities were evaluated, to provide a basis for strategic assessment of where and how the international community can best assist Myanmar to fulfil the forest component of their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals. Please contact Gaby Kissinger directly for more information.
Consultation policies and decision-support processes supporting a British Columbia indigenous community in their self-governance, negotiations with the BC Province and third-parties.
Assisted in securing conservation agreements in the Great Bear Rainforest of coastal British Columbia and secured legislation for the protection of conservancies totalling over 2 million hectares and biodiversity areas totalling 390,000 hectares.
Strategic adviser to a project seeking to redefine forest management, create conservation set-asides with carbon finance, and spur local economic development for four indigenous communities on roughly 300,000 ha.
Ten years of experience developing and implementing appropriations and legislative initiatives, with in-depth experience lobbying the US Congress.
Co-chaired a diverse coalition in the US State of Maine, seeking to achieve federal authorizing legislation in the US to focus more federal investment in land conservation and community economic development.