Photo credit: Mark Mushet
As principal of Lexeme Consulting, based in Vancouver, Canada, I work at the intersection between science and environmental policy— offering multi-disciplinary solutions based on sound science, economics and political viability. Consulting services focus primarily on global land-use and climate change, finance, REDD+, agriculture, and business solutions to sustainability. Services include strategies for linking science into policy and decision-making, convening and negotiation, government affairs, research and due diligence. I bring almost 30 years of experience working at the interface between government policy and land use pressures, finding solutions at local, sub-regional, national and international scales. I have consistently applied an entrepreneurial approach to engaging change, and have collaborated and worked in partnership with various levels of government, companies ranging from start-ups to large timber companies, investors, major donors and a full range of environmental NGOs.
A particular focus of my research and policy analysis in the last ten years has been framing the need for national governments and REDD+ processes to address the drivers of deforestation and degradation, through published papers, partnerships and strategic advisories. Efforts helped leverage a decision by Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, adopted at COP 19 in Poland, on drivers. Current efforts include identifying how REDD+ countries can better define fiscal incentives to promote sustainable land use, and identifying ways to encourage increased agricultural production that does not compromise forests, waterways and communities.
I completed my PhD in the Environmental Policy Group of Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands. I hold an M.A. in natural resources management and environmental policy from Tufts University, and B.A.'s in philosophy and political science from University of California, Santa Barbara. I contribute peer review for a range of journals, including Global Environmental Change, Nature, Conservation Letters, Land Use Policy, Forests and others.
Please contact me for a full CV.